How to Conduct an Effective Employee Performance Review

Let’s face it, most of us—managers and employees—don’t enjoy sitting down for a yearly performance review. But they’re an unfortunate fact of life: employees need to know whether they’re performing their duties well and where they may need to improve. Employers need a way to gauge performance as well as motivate their staffs to be […]

Workplace Policies Every Company Should Have in Place

Wearing different hats is something that comes with the territory of an HR staffer. With pressure to recruit within limited resources and manage workforce changes, policy making is rarely a top priority. While setting policies in place isn’t easy, it’s something that cannot be overlooked.  Although they require a lot of work – both in […]

Healthcare Reform and Your Business – What it Means for You

It has now been just over five months since the Supreme Court ruled The Affordable Care Act constitutional.  Although some time has passed since the ruling, many of us still have questions regarding the true meaning  for us as individuals and as employers. To help clear up some confusion concerning the healthcare reform, we’ve broken […]