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Interview Red Flags of “Desperate” Job Seekers

Job seeking is often touted as being a full time job in and of itself. In today’s competitive marketplace and recovering economy, this sentiment hits close to home for many job seekers across the country. Although the old saying, “desperate times call for desperate measures” is certainly understandable, a candidate willing to do anything for a job offer is likely willing to do anything for any job offer – not just your company’s open position. While there is sometimes a fine line between eagerness and desperation, being able to pick out the enthusiastic from the desperate job seekers in your candidate pool is simple once you know how to spot the red flags during an interview:

  • Lack of confidence. Body language and tone of voice can you tell you a lot about the candidates you interview. Good posture, and a calm, even tone displays confidence, while a nervous, frantic voice conveys uncertainty. If the candidate is unable to maintain a collected composure and openly discuss key points about your company’s vision and mission, they may be exhausted from a long job search and willing to take any job offer that floats their way.
  • Exaggerations. Candidates will of course want to pain themselves in the best light, but honesty is always the best policy. Look for the candidate who is able to humbly discuss their skills, talents, and accomplishments. If a candidate appears arrogant or blatantly exaggerates their aptitude, they are likely trying to overcompensate for areas of weakness or say what they believe you want to hear so they can land the job.
  • Overly available. If a candidate is willing to give you all of their time without a second thought before a job offer is extended, this should send up an immediate red flag. Follow ups between and after interviews are important, but they should not be immediate. No matter how excited about your opportunity a candidate may be, they should be just as concerned that your company is a good fit for them as you are about them being a good fit for your company.

Desperation is unfortunately an attribute many job seekers share as the economy finally improves and more job opportunities become available. Knowing how to spot the desperate job seekers quickly and efficiently during the interview will help you weed out the candidates looking for any job and find the candidates who will be the perfect fit for your open position! Staffers, Inc. has been helping Jackson area companies hire the best Mississippi candidates for more than a decade and is ready to help you staff your company with the area’s top talent! To make sure you hire the most promising job seekers in Jackson, Mississippi, contact the hiring professionals at Staffers today!

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