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Can Google+ Help You Find a Job?

In 2013, Google Plus (Google+ or G+) became the second largest social network in the world, after Facebook. And if you’re looking for a job, it’s more powerful for your search than Facebook.

Why? First, G+ is owned by Google, the most influential website on the Internet and the one that most employers and recruiters use when looking up job candidates. And what you put in G+ is visible to Google. That means you’ll be easily found.

And because you’re being researched online, having a Google Plus Profile is a big help for your personal search engine optimization (SEO), a key factor in being found when an employer searches for information about you.

So, what do you need to know about Google+ to make the most of it? Here are four things Google+ will help you accomplish if you’re job searching:

1. The ability to demonstrate expertise.

Make the most of Google+ by using it to demonstrate what you know. Post updates that highlight your expertise, share links with news about your industry and include your comments, or include pictures with commentary. Be sure to include keywords—when you use Google+ to post public updates, Google indexes them, and your posts may appear as search results for other people’s queries.

2. The chance to “meet” more people.

Using Google+, you can contact people you don’t know in a professional capacity and communicate directly with them—instead of hoping to find someone who can introduce you, or cold calling.

For example, if you want Jane Doe to notice you, you can add her to your Google+ circles and follow her posts. You can then comment on her posts or repost something she shared and use her name in your post. This will trigger a notification for Jane that you mentioned her. This way you can grow your professional network.

3. The opportunity to learn valuable industry information.

Check out Google+ Communities, where you’ll find just about any topic you can imagine. Search for people who post content and links that interest you and get ready to learn new things. This can help keep you better informed and able to respond intelligently to interview questions and in networking conversations.

4. The possibility to be found.

Not only will being on Google+ improve the likelihood that someone will find you when they Google your name or your expertise, you’ll also become a valuable resource for others. You may have noticed, when you Google information while signed into your Google account, your results often come from people in your Circles. So if you have a robust Google+ profile and encourage people to add you to their circles, when they search online, your content may come up.

What a great way to capture the attention of recruiters or influencers in your field. Google may find you for them, which is a great way to attract job opportunities instead of you having to go after them. But if you decide you want to go after a new job, be sure to contact Staffers. We’d be happy to help!

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