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Employee Performance: Managing Through the Good and Bad

As one of Jackson’s top recruiting agencies, Staffers understands that managing employee performance is a critical part of what you do. Setting goals, making expectations clear, and providing regular input are keys to enabling your people to perform effectively and building the strongest team.

But performance management goes far beyond just conducting quarterly employee reviews. It’s an entire process that begins when you first write a job description and ends when an employee leaves your organization.

How can you handle this critical aspect of your role most effectively? Here are some tips to help you:

  • Develop clear job descriptions that not only define tasks and responsibilities, but also highlight goals to be achieved, by when, and how success in the role will be measured. As a result, new hires will be clear on what you expect from them.
  • Provide effective onboarding, orientation, education and training to new employees. The better start new hires are able to get off on, the happier and more motivated they will be.
  • Conduct quarterly performance reviews, but also provide input – whether positive or negative – on a regular basis to your staff.
  • When an employee is failing on the job, confront the situation as soon as possible to get them back on track. Start by finding out exactly why the employee is not meeting your expectations. It could be because they are unclear about what you want them to do; or it may be due to lack of training or the right tools.
  • Develop a compensation and recognition system for those employees that go above and beyond. When people feel valued for their work, it’s far more likely they’ll remain loyal to the company.
  • Offer educational and promotional opportunities. When there’s room for advancement, employees will be motivated to achieve more.
  • When an employee does decide to leave, be sure to conduct an exit interview. That way, you can find out why the employee quit and rectify any issues that caused the situation.

If it’s your responsibility to manage others, then you certainly have your work cut out for you. But by following the tips above, you can help your employees achieve their potential and succeed.

Need help hiring for your team? If you do, call the experts at Staffers. As one of Jackson’s top recruiting agencies, we can work with you to learn about your staffing challenges and find candidates unique to your business needs.

Contact us today to get started or learn more.

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