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5 Essential Questions to Ask a Potential Recruiting Partner

When you consider partnering with a recruiter, it’s essential that you get to know them. What is their area of expertise? How do they work? What kind of work ethic do they have? Asking the right questions can give you confidence that your recruiter will be a true business partner, willing  to work with you to achieve your business objectives.

  1. Tell me about your experience. Look for longevity in both the company and the recruiter. Do they understand your industry; know the intricacies of your market? Are they invested in the community? Do they have a broad and deep network, not just through building business relationships but creating good will with the people who live there?
  2. How many positions do you fill and at what levels? Naturally, someone who is recruiting C-level candidates won’t place as many as someone working with individual contributors, but you want to see a pattern of steady success. Do they place people at the level you commonly search?
  3. Can you provide references or testimonials? Past success can indicate future potential. If the recruiter eagerly offers proof of his success, it can be one of the strongest indicators that you’re making the right partnership decision. Contact as many of the references you need to feel comfortable, but also conduct your own fact-finding in your business community to understand the reputation the firm has in your area
  4. How will you represent us to candidates? In a tight talent market, it’s essential that the recruiter you choose has the ability to sell potential candidates on your company and your opportunity. This question will reveal how well the recruiter understands your business and can act as your ambassador to attract sought-after candidates.
  5. How do you improve yourself professionally? Look for recruiters who take whatever steps necessary to learn more about the industry and the marketplace. You want cutting-edge but professional practitioners, not someone who is either cutting his teeth on your account or stuck in stagnant, outdated ways.

Choosing the right recruiting partner is essential to your success. At Staffers, we’re always eager to answer any questions our clients or candidates may have to assure them that working with us is the right choice. Contact us today to get started on your talent or career search in Jackson.

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