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How to Attract and Retain “A” Player Employees

As one of the leading staffing agencies in Jackson, MS, Staffers knows when it comes to operating a profitable business, top employees are critical for success. But finding and hiring “A” players is a lot easier said than done. Too often, employers move full speed ahead with the hiring process without fully thinking through their needs and goals. In other cases, companies are so rigid about certain candidate attributes that they overlook top talent and hire mediocre people with the right “credentials” instead.

What can you do to avoid these kinds of mistakes – and hire the high quality talent you need? Here are some tips to help you:

Be clear but not rigid.

Know what your needs are when you’re trying to fill a certain position. Before you even start to look for potential candidates, decide what you want their performance to look like and what you hope to achieve when it comes to results.

But at the same time, keep an open mind when searching for candidates. Just because an individual doesn’t hold an MBA doesn’t mean they won’t perform well in the job. Passion, drive and creativity can be far more valuable to your company than a certain degree. Be willing to think outside the box – and look outside it too – for top candidates.

Look to your other top people for referrals. 

One of the greatest sources for quality talent is right in front of you – your own people. When you need to hire – and a B player isn’t good enough – ask those you trust within your organization for referrals. Smart, innovative people hang around with other smart, innovative people and your existing employees can likely offer you many leads. Not only that, but referrals are highly cost effective too when it comes to recruiting.

Use a variety of candidate sourcing methods.

Don’t just post your job opening on a job board and hope for the best. You need to use a variety of methods in order to get top results. That means efforts such as creating relationships with local colleges, business associations, and industry organizations, as well as keeping your antennae up for candidates with potential when attending industry events.

Properly assess candidates.

Once you have a list of potential candidates, you need to decide on the right one. How do you do that? Through assessment tools, from skills testing to personality evaluations. Whatever assessment you choose, be sure it gives you a clear sense of not only performance capabilities, but also behavior and fit for the position and the company culture.

Do you need more help hiring “A” players for your team?

Read our blog post about “What Questions You Should Be Asking Job Candidates” so you can hire right, the first time. Or call Staffers. As one of the leading staffing agencies in Jackson, MS, we can help you find the high-quality professionals you need.

Contact us today. We can help!

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