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Searching for Success at a New Job? Try 30/60/90

Are you searching for ways to put your best foot forward at your new job? The 30/60/90 plan is a great way to set yourself up for success in your new job. For each month that you’ve worked, on the 30th, 60th, and 90th day, you complete and begin a new set of goals for both understanding the company, understanding your role in the company, and contributing to the growth of your company. Defining what success means to you and your company is a surefire way to achieve your personal aspirations for your new career, both long term and short term.

30 days—Learn:

Most new hires want to hit the ground running, and of course, that’s a great way to approach a new job. However, it’s important to make sure that you truly understand the company’s mission and vision. In the first 30 days of your new job, focus on understanding your boss’s expectations of you, establishing professional relationships with your coworkers, and getting the hang of the company culture. In this stage of your job, you should focus on listening so that you can get a grasp on your role within the company.

60 days—Contribute:

Once you have gotten understand your role and the company’s vision, you can begin to apply your individual talents to the company goals. Since you’ve fully grasped how your new company operates, you will better understand how your skills apply. Think about the ways in which your skills and talents can improve the growth of your company. Since you’ve mainly done the listening in the first 30 days, begin to take part in more conversations. Always focus on your boss’s expectations—those will be most important to your performance—but begin to take on duties outside of your responsibilities if you are comfortable doing so.

90 days—Transform:

By the 90-day mark, you will be more confident in your position, and the mistakes you make during the first few weeks of your job will have decreased. By this point, you should have an understanding of the role that you occupy in the company, which will allow you to become a more proactive problem solver and goal setter.

As you’re searching for jobs, it may be helpful to keep the 30/60/90 plan in mind and even begin the plan as early as the late stages of your interviewing process. People take different approaches to the 30/60/90 plan. For some, it’s a guide to help you stay on track; for others, it should include defined objectives and a clear set of tasks to be met at certain dates. Check out Brendan Reid’s version of the 30/60/90 plan if the latter appeals to you.


Following the 30/60/90 plan provides a set path guiding you from a new hire to a key player within your company. This easy method of organization can help you make the most of the early stages in your new career to lead to future success.   If you are searching for additional help organizing a 30/60/90 plan for your new job, contact Staffers today!

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