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When to Conduct Structured Interviews and Unstructured Interviews

Unstructured Interviews

Unstructured interviews aren’t necessarily bad, but they don’t provide reliable data. Most people pride themselves on being excellent judges of character, but we all know bad hires happen!

When interviews lack structure and rating guidelines, interviewer decisions can be based on bias, including subconscious factors like applicant attractiveness, perceived similarities, perceived differences, halo effects, first impression biases, and more. Sticking to an approved script and a predetermined rating scale can help eliminate bias and improve the selection process by adding consistency and structure.

Structured Interviews

Structured interviews are formal. They make the interview process job-related and systematic. Research shows that structured interviews are twice as effective as unstructured when:

1. They include questions based on job analysis.

2. Each candidate is asked the same questions.

3. They provide checks and balances by involving more than one person.

4. Candidates are rated via detailed scales to create subjective data.

Interviewers should be trained to perform structured interviews. This training should include how to identify and avoid their biases and how to determine through questioning and listening whether a candidate has the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform the target job well.

Interviewers should use a scoring guide made up of job-relevant criteria. For example: For example, each interviewer rates each candidate using a 1-5 scale for items such as first impression, eye contact, quick thinking, and interpersonal communication skills. These scales should include detailed descriptions of what low and high scores look like to make scoring easy and consistent.

If you need help recruiting, interviewing, and hiring top talent, contact the recruiting experts at Staffers! We have years of expertise in helping match employers to qualified job candidates and would love the opportunity to assist you. We look forward to hearing from you!

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