The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to reevaluate and take stock of what is or is not working within your company. It is also the ideal time to strengthen the foundations you began building in 2013, such as your company’s corporate culture. As your company continues to grow and flourish, it becomes increasingly more difficult to communicate everything, gather input from all employees or colleagues, and promote seamless processes; however, a strong corporate culture can provide the necessary framework to hone in on the type of working atmosphere you want to cultivate. If you are ready to build a stronger corporate culture in 2014, be sure to take the following points into consideration:
- Designate a leader. By and large, culture is mostly shaped around the behavior of those in leadership roles. Because of this, it is extremely important that your leadership teams embodies the type of company you want. Although not one person can be directly responsible for promoting company culture, choose a few individuals to task with focusing on culture and helping push other employees in the right direction.
- Prioritize and focus. Each company will have its own set of ideals for what would make a perfect company culture. Although ideals provide great goals, it is important to set realistic expectations. Decide what can reasonably raise the bar for both your services or products as well as your customers, and work as a team to achieve these standards together.
- Always communicate. Openly, clearly, and frequently communicate your values and culture both internally as well as externally. It is imperative for your employees to understand what your culture is and why it is so important. Reward your employees who advance your culture, and speak candidly and honestly with those who do not seem to grasp it.
The very beginning of the new year can be a hectic time in small businesses, but it can also be an exciting time of positive change, progress, and growth. Staffers, Inc. understands the needs of Jackson area businesses and is ready to lend a helping hand whether you are in need of business resources, temporary staffing, or finding a pool of top Mississippi job candidates. If you are looking for help to plan out your staffing needs for the new year, do not hesitate to contact Jackson, Mississippi’s number one staffing resource at Staffers, Inc. today!