Ensure Your Job Listing is Getting to the Right Candidates

Create a Recruitment Plan

So, you have an excellent opportunity at your company, and you’ve made sure to advertise it in the right places. You’ve written a terrific ad that showcases not only the job itself but your company and the benefits you offer. However, you’re not receiving applications from top candidates. Where did you go wrong, when you […]

You Only Get One First Impression: Here’s How to Nail It!

In today’s fast-paced world, people have short attention spans. Recruiters and hiring managers are no exceptions to the rule. For better or worse, our brains are programmed to make quick judgments about the people we meet. When it comes to impressing someone who has a strong say in whether you will be offered a job, […]

Interviewing Soon? Structured vs. Unstructured Approach

Are you interviewing candidates for a job soon? What’s the difference between an unstructured interview and a structured interview? Unstructured interviews are more informal, and the interviewer often bases later questions on the candidate’s previous answers. The interviewer may go in with a list of questions but not ask them all. The interview tends to […]

Talent Shortage? Quick Tips for Talent Acquisition

Working hard to recruit and retain quality employees is essential for any business. Even so, most diligent companies sometimes find themselves seeking top talent to fill the shoes of a previous employee. However, no manager can fully prepare for every aspect of what the future may hold for a company’s workforce. In all actuality, the […]

Considering Hiring a Temp? Here’s What You Need To Know

When you’re hiring, it can sometimes be difficult to determine whether you should hire someone permanently or temporarily. Are you considering what your next type of hire will be? A staffing firm can help you make the right decision, but here are some pros and cons to hiring a temp or perm employee. Pros of […]

Trying to Hire Top Talent? Refresh Your Application

Even though a candidate clicked the “apply” button on your website, it doesn’t necessarily mean they will become your next top hire. In fact, many recruiters lose applicants during the process, some of whom are top candidates. According to a Career Builder survey, there’s a slight disconnect between what employers and job seekers consider to […]