Strategies to Help You Get Ahead in the Job Search

Have you had trouble finding jobs that match your skill set despite searching on endless job boards and company websites? Or are you putting hours into drafting and submitting cover letters with no luck? We have some creative strategies to help you boost your job search and your results! Seek new search strategies If scouring […]

Blogging to Boost Your Career? How to Get Started

As the job search becomes even more of an online process, one way to demonstrate your talents and expertise while simultaneously drawing the attention of potential employers is by blogging about your career aspirations and your industry. According to Catherine Tan, a founder of the startup, Notey, “Alice Ko, the digital lead at Notey, previously […]

Creative Recruiting Strategies

Are you tired of posting your company’s open positions on online job boards only to have your inbox fill with dozens of candidates without the experience you’re looking for? If you feel as though you’ve exhausted your recruiting strategies, think again! We have some creative ideas for finding top talent. Highlight the perks of working […]

Job References: Everything You Need to Know

Who should you ask for a job reference? How do you ask? Will they say yes? Do employers even look at job references? What do they ask your references? Applying for jobs can be stressful from start to finish, and securing good references is particularly tricky. A potential employer’s call to your references could make […]

Boost Your Company Culture with These Strategies

How are some companies able to land high-caliber talent at lower than industry-leading salaries? Think Google. Or Zappos. They’re not famous for paying people a lot of money. They’re famous for having great company cultures. So how can you make your company more appealing to desirable employees? Here are some tips for how to boost […]

Vacation Season is Approaching: How to Hire for Summer

Summer is one of the most popular vacation seasons, which means, for many businesses, that fewer employees are working at any given time. This can make it difficult to keep a schedule running smoothly or to meet a project deadline. If your office numbers are lower during the summer time, and you’re scrambling to find […]