What Makes a Manager “Likeable”?
Being a good boss or manager isn’t about giving orders. That’s what a dictator does. An effective manager should strive to lead by example, show respect for his or her employees, and inspire subordinates to give their best efforts. It helps greatly if employees find their manager likable. It takes an incredibly rare individual to […]
Five Secrets to Becoming a Likable Manager
Being a good manager isn’t about giving orders. That’s what a dictator does. An effective manager should to lead by example, show respect for his or her employees, and inspire subordinates to give their best efforts. It helps greatly if employees like their manager. It takes an incredibly rare individual to be unlikable yet still […]
Four Ways to Help Your Team Keep the Winter Blues at Bay
Once again, the holiday season has come and gone and businesses everywhere are back to the grind in full force. For many of us, the winter weather can greatly affect our mood and sometimes, even our productivity. When left unchecked, the simple winter blues can evolve into burnout sticks around long after the snow has […]
4 Strategies to Help Manage Your Staffing
Adding temporary staff to your team can be a great decision for your business. Bring workers in just when you need them with less risk. Why hire full time employees you may need to let go when a project ends? And if you need specialized skills for a project without adding to your permanent payroll, […]