Tips for Planning Your New Career in 2019

The Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw once said, “The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them.” That certainly holds true when you are planning your career development. Here are four steps you can take […]

How to Make a Great First Impression

You only have one chance to make a first impression. Why is this old adage true? As an article in the Harvard Business Review demonstrates, this is because first impressions are difficult to change. Psychologist, Phil McAleer, conducted a study, which revealed that even the first “hello” can determine whether or not someone finds you trustworthy. So, […]

Buzzwords to Boost Your Resume

Your resume is a one-stop document that highlights your most relevant experiences, skills, and accomplishments. It’s the first part of your application that is going to grab an employer’s attention. According to The Balance, “Studies show that recruiters and HR folks spend as little as six seconds reviewing resumes before they move them to the […]

Interview How-To’s: Tips for Introverts

Apply for a reach job with these tips

Being an introvert doesn’t have to be a disadvantage for a jobseeker. Plenty of jobs require the kind of quiet, focused attention that introverts tend to possess. Researching the position in advance and working with your natural inclinations instead of against them will allow you to present yourself in the best possible light in your […]

What’s a Personal Brand and How Do You Create One?

One way to establish yourself in the professional world is through building a personal brand. How can a person be a brand, you ask? Its simple: consider how you would like to project yourself to the world and then figure out how to make the world see that projection, and violà! This may seem difficult, […]

The Makings of an Excellent Recruiter

Excellent recruiters know that hiring requires a lot more than meets the eye. Not only do recruiters have to place great new hires, but they are also responsible for marketing their company and attracting top talent. As The Undercover Recruiter points out, a huge part of recruiting is sales. Are you considering a career in […]