How to Make a Great First Impression

You only have one chance to make a first impression. Why is this old adage true? As an article in the Harvard Business Review demonstrates, this is because first impressions are difficult to change. Psychologist, Phil McAleer, conducted a study, which revealed that even the first “hello” can determine whether or not someone finds you trustworthy. So, […]

Buzzwords to Boost Your Resume

Your resume is a one-stop document that highlights your most relevant experiences, skills, and accomplishments. It’s the first part of your application that is going to grab an employer’s attention. According to The Balance, “Studies show that recruiters and HR folks spend as little as six seconds reviewing resumes before they move them to the […]

Interview How-To’s: Tips for Introverts

Apply for a reach job with these tips

Being an introvert doesn’t have to be a disadvantage for a jobseeker. Plenty of jobs require the kind of quiet, focused attention that introverts tend to possess. Researching the position in advance and working with your natural inclinations instead of against them will allow you to present yourself in the best possible light in your […]

Tips for Cold Calling Potential Employers

Pick up a call from a recruiter

Cold calling potential employers can be a tricky, yet beneficial, job search strategy. This method can demonstrate your initiative and interest in the company. A lot of businesses don’t list their open positions, and in some cases, they may have a position that is opening up soon. All the more reason to give them a […]

How to Transition from Temp to Perm

As one of the top employment agencies in Jackson, MS, Staffers knows more and more companies today are hiring temp employees. And they’re not just bringing them on board for short-term work; in many cases, they’re using temporary employment as a way to test drive candidates before making a full-time hiring decision. With that in mind, […]

Podcasts That Will Improve Your Hiring and Recruiting Skills

Do you have a long commute to work? It can be tough to entertain yourself on the way to work while driving safely. Podcasts have become hugely popular over the last few years, and the staffing industry has responded to listeners’ interests. If you don’t have as much time to read about current trends in […]