Blogging to Boost Your Career? How to Get Started

As the job search becomes even more of an online process, one way to demonstrate your talents and expertise while simultaneously drawing the attention of potential employers is by blogging about your career aspirations and your industry. According to Catherine Tan, a founder of the startup, Notey, “Alice Ko, the digital lead at Notey, previously […]

Creative Recruiting Strategies

Are you tired of posting your company’s open positions on online job boards only to have your inbox fill with dozens of candidates without the experience you’re looking for? If you feel as though you’ve exhausted your recruiting strategies, think again! We have some creative ideas for finding top talent. Highlight the perks of working […]

“Do You Have Any Questions?” Ace the End of an Interview

At the end of every job interview, your interviewer will inevitably ask whether or not you have any questions. And the answer should always be an enthusiastic “Yes!” Not only is the interview a chance for the interviewer to learn more about your background and qualifications, but it is also an opportunity for you to […]

Boost Your Company Culture with These Strategies

How are some companies able to land high-caliber talent at lower than industry-leading salaries? Think Google. Or Zappos. They’re not famous for paying people a lot of money. They’re famous for having great company cultures. So how can you make your company more appealing to desirable employees? Here are some tips for how to boost […]

Market Yourself as a Job Seeker With These Strategies

Whether your end goal is a temporary position, a long-term career, or a consulting contract, knowing how to effectively market yourself is one of the greatest skills you can have when it comes to job hunting. When it boils down to it, job seeking and product marketing essentially share the same goal: establish the needs […]

The Importance of Referrals in the Recruiting Industry

In 2019, most recruiters rely on referrals as one of their most important recruiting resources. According to the 2018 North American Staffing and Recruiting Trends Report, “Referrals from existing candidates jumps to the top of the list of single best talent sources this year. Nearly 30 percent say referrals are the absolute best source of […]