Learning How to Determine the Market Value of a Job

Transitioning from temp to perm?

When it’s time to make an employee an offer, it’s important to make sure your compensation package is at least comparable to what your competitors are paying. It’s so easy these days for candidates to look up the salary range for their job. Therefore, if what you offer lacks value, you may have gone through […]

Searching for Success at a New Job? Try 30/60/90

Are you searching for ways to put your best foot forward at your new job? The 30/60/90 plan is a great way to set yourself up for success in your new job. For each month that you’ve worked, on the 30th, 60th, and 90th day, you complete and begin a new set of goals for […]

What it Takes to be an Great Recruiter

Excellent recruiters know that hiring requires a lot more than meets the eye. Not only do recruiters have to place great new hires, but they are also responsible for marketing their company and attracting top talent. As The Undercover Recruiter points out, a huge part of recruiting is sales. Are you considering a career in recruiting? Would […]

Not Getting Applications for Your Jobs? We’re Here to Help

So, you have an excellent opportunity at your company, and you’ve made sure to advertise it in the right places. You’ve written a terrific ad that showcases not only the job itself but your company and the benefits you offer. However, you’re not receiving applications from the candidates you want to apply. Where did you […]

Need to Hire a Manager in Jackson, Mississippi?

Create a Recruitment Plan

When you’re running a business, selecting a manager can be one of the most important decisions you ever make. As one of the leading staffing firms in Jackson, Mississippi, Staffers knows you need to hire a great manager can turn leads into sales, motivate employees, and produce bottom line results. A poor manager, on the other […]

Shortage of Talent? How to Avoid this in Your Office

Working hard to recruit and retain quality employees is essential for any business. Even so, the most diligent companies sometimes find themselves seeking top talent to fill the shoes of a previous employee. However, no manager can fully prepare for every aspect of what the future may hold for a company’s workforce. In all actuality, […]