Hire Based on Skills Match or First Impression?

Your hiring process for that new position is coming to a close. Your candidate pool has been narrowed down to two excellent potential new hires. Each of these candidates brings something unique to the table. However, they each stand out to you for very different reasons. One candidate is a picture-perfect skills match, but lacking […]

Boost Your Team’s Customer Service Skills with These Tips!

Managing Through Good and Poor Employee Performance Staffers

Where customer service is concerned, there is no gray area; it will make or break your business.  That’s why it is so imperative to begin viewing your own company’s customer service as a source of profit, rather than cost.  Fortunately, stepping up your company’s customer service skills is not a difficult transition when approached in […]

How to Make an Attractive Compensation Package

Staffing needs

When it’s time to make an employee an offer, you’ll want to make sure your compensation package is at least comparable to what your competitors are paying. It’s so easy these days for candidates to look up the salary range for their job. If what you offer is lacking, you may have gone through the […]

Ready to Make a Career Move? Consider These Steps

When do you know the right time to make a career move? You may realize this when you feel as though you no longer have room to grow in your current role. On the other hand, it might be something you determine based on your longer-term career goals. Either way, deciding what to do next […]

The Future of Management

Experts predict that management will change over the next few years. According to Harvard Business Review, many managerial tasks will become automated and that “up to 65% of the tasks that a manager currently does has the potential to be automated by 2025.” Moreover, as jobs become remote, the need for management and the type […]

When is the Right Time to Bring Up Salary Budget?

If you get an interview for a job, it’s hard to pinpoint the exact right time to ask your hiring manager about salary, but its one of the most important pieces of information you need to know about the job. A company’s budget may be a determining factor in your ability to accept the job, […]